Totem Pole Ceremony: Carved with Courage, Moved with Care

First United’s totem pole moved to a new location before demolition In our parking garage at 320 East Hastings, a team of Indigenous carvers worked under cover. From the 12-foot log in front of them, shipped from Haida Gwaii, the image of the thunderbird, the killer whale, the mighty bear, and grandmother moon emerged. Many […]

Invitation for Applications: Interim Executive Director

FIRST UNITED CHURCH Community Ministry Society (FIRST UNITED) is seeking an Interim Executive Director to serve for a three-year term while our current Executive Director fulfills her role as Moderator of the United Church of Canada. The Interim Executive Director’s term starts August 8, or as soon as possible after that. We are seeking an […]

Summer Newsletter, Building Construction Updates and Advocacy Plans

Sharing exciting updates from FIRST! Check out our latest newsletter with stories on how we spent the months leading up to the demolition of our 320 East Hastings building. Learn more about our Advocacy program and upcoming plans. First United Summer 2022 Newsletter

Carmen Lansdowne is the Uncontested Nominee for 44th Moderator

History repeats itself at the General Council 44. For the second time in the United Church of Canada, the election for Moderator has gone uncontested (the first time it happened was during the 34th General Council in the early 1990s). We are so proud that First United’s Executive Director, the Rev. Dr. Carmen Lansdowne, is […]

National Indigenous Peoples Day

Happy National Indigenous Peoples Day! It’s a day for all Canadians to celebrate the rich cultures and diversity of the First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples. We’re dedicated to learning about the unique history, languages, and experiences of these Indigenous cultures, and encourage you to do the same. In honour of National Indigenous Peoples Day […]


Social justice is one of First United’s core values. We’re committed to combatting the oppression and marginalization of racialized folks. As an organization that serves a diverse community and has a large portion of staff that identifies as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of colour), we know that racism is very much still present and […]

Construction Update: Demolition Begins!

Fence is up at 320 E. Hastings to prepare for demolition.

We’re excited to announce that the demolition of our building at 320 East Hastings is now officially underway!   This spring, our remaining staff, programs and services were moved to satellite locations in the Downtown Eastside. Last week, shelter residents were relocated to our newly renovated, state-of-the-art shelter on Alexander Street and by Thursday afternoon, […]