First United to get a huge makeover

Jen St Denis from The Tyee covers our plans to redevelop our building at 320 East Hastings Street in her article “First United Church, a Downtown Eastside Institution, to Get a Huge Makeover”. “Today, First United’s programs range from a meal program, medical care, tax filing services, help accessing and appealing government benefits, legal help […]
Stepping Up in Tough Times
This spring, Chandos Construction joined First United for the first time as a platinum sponsor for our 13th Annual Golf Tournament for the Homeless. But when COVID-19 hit, we made the tough decision to cancel the tournament. That meant we faced the loss of more than $100,000 in critical program funds the golf community raises […]
Care During COVID-19

“COVID-19 has been scary, but I’ve felt taken care of here,” says Alex, a resident of First United’s women’s shelter since January. As word spread about the threat of COVID-19 in early March, things in the Downtown Eastside started to change quickly. “I remember the day they had to start the distancing. It’s usually so […]
Not-so-Lucky 13: This Year’s Golf Tournament for the Homeless

This week, we were meant to host First United’s 13th Annual Golf Tournament for the Homeless: “Lucky 13,” we’d called it. Seems funny looking back now! But as with so many plans this spring, it was not to be. When the seriousness of COVID-19 set in, we made the tough decision to cancel the tournament. We knew everyone’s health […]
10 Weeks in a Pandemic: Reflections from The Rev. Dr. Carmen Lansdowne

My office looks out over East Hastings from the second floor of our beat up, old building in the Downtown Eastside. Some mornings as I arrive, I take a breath and look out the window to the street below. It’s a brief opportunity for reflection in what has been a whirlwind ten weeks. Being the […]
Your Input Needed: Take the First United Survey
First United is considering a plan to construct a brand new, multi-purpose building to replace our aging facility. That plan includes potentially undertaking a major Capital Campaign to raise the funds needed. As part of the feasibility study, we need your help! STEP 1: Click here to read the Project Overview. The Project Overview document will […]
COVID-19 FAQs: First United Programs, Services and Support

As we continue to serve the community we love so much, First United is monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic closely and taking steps to respond to keep everyone safe. We are sharing here some responses to frequently asked questions about our programs and services. Stay safe, everyone! PROGRAMS AND SERVICES – FAQs Is the shelter at […]
What can we do in the face of COVID-19? A letter from The Right Rev. Gary Paterson and The Rev. Tim Stevenson

What can we do in the face of a challenge as daunting as COVID-19? Some have said we are living through an apocalyptic time. As a man of faith, I’ve reflected on that these past weeks. And I think they’re right. But an apocalypse isn’t about “end times.” Rather, it means a revelation: pulling back the curtain to see what’s really there . This […]
News: Happy Retirement, Reverend Jim!

Please join us in wishing Reverend Jim Hatherly a happy retirement! As of the end of June 2020, Jim will step back from his role as Director of Community Ministry at First United. Since May 2017, Jim has been a key part of the First United community, building relationships with people in and around First, […]
As a nurse, I know how serious this is: A letter from Heather Clarke

I worked in health care – nursing, primarily – for more than 50 years. I’m now retired, and I serve on the Board of Directors at First United. My experience means I know just how serious the COVID-19 situation is in the Downtown Eastside. Will you pitch in to keep the Downtown Eastside safe during COVID-19? […]