Your Rights as a Tenant: BC Hydro Free Air Conditioner Program

What you need to know about your rights and access to cooling under BC Hydro’s program providing free portable air conditioners to tenants. Am I eligible for a free air conditioner from BC Hydro?If you are a low-income renter, you may be able to get a free air conditionerfrom BC Hydro. What are the income […]

Tell Premier Eby that you object to recriminalization

On April 26, Premier David Eby announced his plans to recriminalize substance use in BC. This is a deadly step backward. We are disturbed to see this shift in policy that will keep people in cycles of criminalization, and without question lead to more people dying because they will use alone and in non-visible spaces. […]

Residential Tenancy Act Law Reform Platform

“Everyone Needs a Home: Solutions for Preventing Homelessness, Evictions, and Displacement”, is our law reform platform that provides evidence-based recommendations drawing on research and statistical analysis, case law, legislation from multiple Canadian jurisdictions, Residential Tenancy Branch datasets, and the BC Eviction Mapping dataset (which has documented the mechanisms of eviction since mid-2022) for the Residential […]

Open Letter: Call on City, Province to meet and plan encampment response

The below open letter was sent in collaboration with the Carnegie Housing Project to BC and Vancouver officials, urging a human-rights based approach to supporting unhoused neighbours. The letter was originally sent on January 12, 2024, and signatories listed are representative through January 17 2024. Dear David Eby, Premier of British ColumbiaRavi Kahlon, Minister of […]

Opinion: The city is more concerned with hiding homelessness rather than solving it

Executive Director Amanda Burrows and Director of Development and Communications Katie Koncan published an op-ed in The Province on January 13, 2024. The piece came after Vancouver Park Rangers and Vancouver Police Department officers began displacing residents camping in Oppenheimer Park, taking their belongings including tents and blankets, and forcing them to pack down their […]

Call on Government to Stabilize Rent and Prevent Rent Gouging

The Government of British Columbia needs to take swift action to reduce bad-faith evictions. BC has the highest rate of eviction in Canada and a high rate of no-fault evictions (evictions that are not caused by non-payment of rent, broken lease, or a disruptive tenant). Studies show that British Columbians are 30% more likely to experience […]

Op-ed: No one should be prevented from using air conditioners in their home

This op-ed was originally published in the Vancouver Sun on August 11 2023. By Dr. Sarah Marsden, Director of Systems Change and Legal, and Katie Koncan, Director of Development and Communications Summers are getting hotter in Vancouver and across B.C. every year. Two years ago, a deadly heat dome killed 619 people in the province. […]

We Need Low Income CERB Amnesty.

Since Canada’s economic relief packages went out, they have refunded clawbacks from seniors, given self-employed Canadians repayment amnesty, and partially provided relief for students. And, despite all that, they are now pursuing low-income Canadians to reclaim their benefits through clawbacks, wage reductions, or impossible-to-repay fines (upwards of $20,000 in some cases). This is not money […]

Tell Vancouver City Government we urgently need affordable housing solutions

British Columbia is experiencing an ongoing affordable housing crisis and Vancouver is the epicenter. Low-income, vulnerable, and marginalized populations are particularly at risk: cost of living continues to increase, fires and unsafe conditions continue to displace residents, and extreme cold and weather events make it even more dangerous for those who are underhoused or unhoused […]

Our Position: Drug Policy

Introduction The toxic drug overdose crisis has reached a point in British Columbia where bold action is necessary to prevent more deaths. To combat the overdose crisis we need legal regulation of an accessible safe supply with minimal barriers, to decriminalize drugs, and to actively address intersecting challenges such as poverty and homelessness, racism and […]