COVID-19 Update

Based on the recent COVID-19 case increases we’re providing an update about how we’re keeping the DTES and our staff safe
I’m a senior survivor

You could say I’ve had a rough go of it. I was in prison for thirty years. I was never violent or anything…I’d robbed banks, and I paid for it. Three years ago, I got out. Well, when they let you out after 30 years inside, you don’t really have anywhere to go. You’re on […]
Care During COVID-19

“COVID-19 has been scary, but I’ve felt taken care of here,” says Alex, a resident of First United’s women’s shelter since January. As word spread about the threat of COVID-19 in early March, things in the Downtown Eastside started to change quickly. “I remember the day they had to start the distancing. It’s usually so […]
COVID-19 FAQs: First United Programs, Services and Support

As we continue to serve the community we love so much, First United is monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic closely and taking steps to respond to keep everyone safe. We are sharing here some responses to frequently asked questions about our programs and services. Stay safe, everyone! PROGRAMS AND SERVICES – FAQs Is the shelter at […]
What can we do in the face of COVID-19? A letter from The Right Rev. Gary Paterson and The Rev. Tim Stevenson

What can we do in the face of a challenge as daunting as COVID-19? Some have said we are living through an apocalyptic time. As a man of faith, I’ve reflected on that these past weeks. And I think they’re right. But an apocalypse isn’t about “end times.” Rather, it means a revelation: pulling back the curtain to see what’s really there . This […]
As a nurse, I know how serious this is: A letter from Heather Clarke

I worked in health care – nursing, primarily – for more than 50 years. I’m now retired, and I serve on the Board of Directors at First United. My experience means I know just how serious the COVID-19 situation is in the Downtown Eastside. Will you pitch in to keep the Downtown Eastside safe during COVID-19? […]
What it’s like on the front lines right now: A letter from our Shelter Support Staff

My name is Darian. I’ve been a Shelter Resource Worker at First United for about two years now. I got into it because I wanted to help people, and I’ve never looked back. It’s not always easy being on the frontlines…but it’s always worth it. All across the world, people are staying home to stay […]
“Lucky 13th” Annual Golf Tournament for the Homeless – Cancelled

Tournament Update – April 8, 2020 In light of COVID-19, we have made the difficult decision to cancel this year’s Golf Tournament for the Homeless. As we face this challenge and associated additional costs, we are asking our community of golfers for support. If your circumstances allow, please consider a donation: You may donate online […]
Press Release: Advocates Call on Minister of Poverty Reduction to Make New Federal Benefits Available to Workers on Welfare
March 27, 2020 – For Immediate Release Vancouver and Victoria – Legal advocacy groups are urgently calling for the provincial government to make legislative changes that would allow British Columbians who both work and receive disability or income assistance cheques to keep the new federal COVID benefits if they qualify, in an effort to protect some […]
COVID-19: Events Update
March 17, 2020 The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting all of us right now, especially the Downtown Eastside community we serve. Taking action to support public health in our community – particularly for those most vulnerable and marginalized – is our civic and moral responsibility. To this end, all First United public events between now and […]