Legal Advocacy

Everyone deserves access to justice. That’s why we’ve offered legal advocacy support since the 1970s. We provide much-needed legal assistance, advice, and representation to low-income and vulnerable people in the Downtown Eastside. Today, we support clients with upwards of 1,400 unique cases every year, helping people resolve a range of issues. Our advocates provide a […]

Tax Program

For many, filing taxes can range from being either an annual nuisance to a piece of quick and easy life administration. For those we serve in the Downtown Eastside, filing taxes can be a lifeline that enables them to access housing, their pension, social assistance programs. Each year we process thousands of tax returns for […]

Mail and Phone Program

To thrive, we must remain connected to our community: to those we love, those who care about us, and those who can help. Our Keep Connected program offers mail and phone services that help people maintain connections with friends and family, and access to other critical services that commonly require a fixed address. FIRST UNITED […]